What Happens to Your Body When You Cycle Every Day
For multiple years, cycling has been a great way to stay fit and healthy. It may surprise you to learn what cycling does to your body and how it can help you live longer. This blog post will discuss the health benefits and dangers of daily cycling and why you should consider taking up the sport.
Benefits of daily cycling
There are numerous advantages to cycling every day. Here are the top nine benefits of cycling regularly.
1. Controls your weight
If you struggle to shed weight, cycling decreases weight due to the calories you burn. People who cycle every day will burn approximately 400 calories per hour and can expect to drop up to six pounds in a month. It elevates your metabolism, allowing you to get rid of the extra fat.
2. Exercise your muscles and bones
If you are a regular cyclist, it maintains muscle condition and boosts bone health. If you take up cycling in your aging years, it can reverse the bone loss that occurs due to old age. Cycling helps build flexibility in your knee joints and will help prevent cartilage from wearing down over time.
At the same time, it is building up your leg muscles for strength. It also builds core stability to help you balance while riding a bike.
3. Manages your cholesterol levels
Cycling and other aerobic activities are considered one of the best ways to control blood cholesterol. Many studies have been conducted that prove that moderate cycling can lower total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides while maximizing HDL (good) cholesterol.
4. Uplifts mental health
Daily cycling improves mental outlook and health. Studies show that regular cycling can reduce levels of depression, anxiety, and even stress. It can also increase self-confidence and improve your overall mental health. During the exercise, there is the release of endorphins and dopamine, which are essential in making you feel happy.

5. Improves sleep
Studies show that people who take up cycling daily sleep better and faster than those who do not. The reason is because most people are nervous during cycling. They strain their muscles, have sweat glands release more hormones, and have a somewhat elevated heart rate. It may make them sleepy throughout the night.
6. Control of diabetes
Your sugar level can be controlled by cycling every day. Regular moderate cycling exposes the muscle to glucose, allowing it to absorb the sugar and reduce blood sugar.
7. Decrease the risk of osteoporosis
Cycling can increase calcium absorption in bone tissue, which keeps the bone density at a healthy level. Daily cycling also helps reduce the risk of hip fractures by controlling blood pressure and diabetes. Due to its repetitive nature, it increases bone mass and strength while decreasing osteoporotic fracture risk.
8. Boosts your body balance and posture
Being on the bike for a prolonged period will improve your stability and balance. At the same time, it stretches your body as you lean forward and backward. Increasing flexibility in the back and waist helps reduce neck pain.
9. Strengthens your heart
If you are overweight or have high blood pressure, cycling can help reduce the workload on your heart by strengthening it over time. Regular cycling can effectively prevent a heart attack due to its ability to keep blood pressure under control while lowering cholesterol levels.
If you are overweight, moderate exercise, like daily cycling, is recommended to help you lose weight.

Dangers/Precautions of cycling
Although cycling has vast benefits, it is wise to take note of the risks and precautions you should be aware of when you cycle daily.
Here are the dangers of cycling.
1. Burnout
There is a tendency to burnout due to repetitive stress and muscle strain. In addition, cyclists report getting a sore neck or back after long hours of training alone. For this reason, mix up your cycling routine by cycling with someone during the day. At the same time, you can incorporate strength training exercises into your daily routine as well.
2. Saddle sores
A saddle sore occurs when the skin on the horse's belly becomes irritated from rubbing against the saddle. It is common when you are just learning how to ride, but if ignored, it may lead to worse problems with increasing pain and inflammation of the skin. If you have a saddle sore, remove your weight before sleeping.
Between your shower and bedtime, put on a thin cotton undershirt and layer a thick cotton long-sleeve shirt over the undershirt. When you go to bed, wear layers of warm clothing between the underwear and your skin. You can keep the skin from rubbing against the saddle pad or wearing down after just one day of riding.
3. Aches in legs and feet
Cycle enthusiasts often suffer from sore muscles in their legs or knees due to poorly fitted cycling clothes or worn-out gears. It is a common problem when you cycle regularly. Cycling for less than an hour can help prevent muscle aches and keep the body flexible.
If your feet ache, you should see if the bike is correctly fitted to your height and build. Also, wearing cycling shoes with slightly more padding will help reduce pressure on the ball of your foot.
4. Dehydration
Cycle enthusiasts often get dehydrated or overheated when cycling for an extended time. Long cycling periods can cause the body to lose water, leading to dehydration. Even mild cases of heat stroke can occur, which is an alarming situation for those who are not used to cycling during hot weather.
5. Headaches and dizziness
Cycling can lead to headaches and dizziness due to the repeated stress on the ligaments in your head and neck. Lifting your head while riding a bike causes repetitive stress on your neck muscles from jarring against the handlebars.
Another thing to look into is modern cycling shoes. There are leading brands that sell special biking shoes that will fit your feet and give you a better pedaling motion.
6. Hip pain and injuries
Cycling can cause pain in the hip joints and increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis or hip injuries. Many cyclists ride while wearing Lycra, which is highly breathable, but it also increases sweat-wicking on long rides and leads to more friction between the shoe sole and saddle pad, which leads to extra wear and tear on the cartilage.
You should not wear shoes with a stiff soles when you cycle, as it can cause cramps on your foot while cycling your bike.

Factors to consider when cycling
Daily bike rides are a good form of exercise. However, there are some factors that you should consider when it comes to cycling every day.
1. Intensity
Different individuals have different types of cycling intensity. Intense bike rides are designed to increase your endurance level. These workouts are anaerobic and produce more lactic acid in the muscles, which makes it more difficult for you to keep riding.
When you exercise intensely too often, you lose lean muscle tissue and increase body fat. Intensive workouts can result in burnout after prolonged activity.
On the other hand, moderate bike rides have a lower intensity level and tend to include an aerobic component. It helps reduce body fat while toning the muscles and increasing endurance levels simultaneously.
2. Speed
Cycling speed is measured in the gears you use. The higher your gear and top speed, the more difficult it is for your muscles to keep up with the bike. Cycling at a high speed is only possible if you are experienced.
You can always choose to ride slower if you are starting or are not confident about riding fast on your bike. Beginners should start with short rides at slow speeds for a while before increasing the speed to your limits.
3. Weather conditions
The weather in your part of the country has a significant impact on the type of temperature your body needs to function correctly. It is crucial to have a layered bike kit to keep you warm while cycling.
Athletes should wear lightweight long-sleeve shirts and pants during cool weather. It helps keep the body temperature average while cycling, which is especially important in cold weather conditions.
The purpose of these layers is to identify the significant factors that affect you when choosing bike gear for your cycling needs.
Identify your type of riding gear before you go on a ride. It will help you determine whether it is wise to wear long-sleeve tights, padded shorts, or bike shorts while cycling in a particular climate.
4. Nutrition
You need to be careful about how much water you drink while cycling as part of your routine, especially if your weight increases. A good practice is to drink two liters of water after a ride. You recover better and keep your energy levels up.
A snack or meal with high-energy content during the ride could be better. You should avoid eating high-carbohydrate foods like sugary cereals, white breads, and pastries while cycling, as some of these foods can lead to fatigue.
5. Cycling shoes and bike shorts
It would help if you made sure that your garments are the right fit for your body when you are cycling. For example, if you have a big butt, you should consider wearing padded cycling shorts that will give you a little extra padding in that area.
You should also select bike shoes that will help relieve some of the pressure on your feet and ankles during long rides. If your shoes do not fit well, they can cause many foot problems.
It is wise to wear dress socks during the ride as well because they provide more comfort and protection from sweat.

Weird things cycling does to your body
Cycling has many health benefits, but it can cause weird things in your body as well.
1. Cycling face
Some people who cycle a lot tend to develop what is known as a cycling face. It is the facial expression of a person cycling for a long time and produces intense facial muscle spasms and contractions.
A bit of cycling face can be a good thing if you want to learn how to breathe through your nose while cycling, but too much can get very uncomfortable after a long ride.
Cycling also causes mouth ulcers, which can sometimes irritate, especially when trying to eat or talk. However, there are some preventative approaches you can take to lower the risk of this happening.
2. Aching ears
Cycling can also cause your ears to ache, especially if you cycle in a helmet with ear pads. You may experience pain when riding for long hours as well.
You should always wear a bike helmet that is snug-fitting to prevent this problem from occurring. If you have a problem with your ears hurting while cycling, try wearing earplugs or purchase special cycling headphones that contain soft padding to help protect your ears.

1. What is the best way to exercise while on a bike?
Cycling is one of the best forms of physical activity as it burns many calories and tones your muscles while increasing your fitness level. But it is best to cycle for a duration that matches your fitness level.
To get the most out of cycling, you need to do intervals. It would be best to alternate between slow-speed rides, where you can easily reach high speeds, and fast riding, where you can keep hitting top speeds.
2. How fast should I ride?
Determine what is the fastest speed you can sustain for an entire workout.
If you are new to cycling, it is recommended that you start slow and gradually progress the speed until it becomes natural. Finding the best gear for your body is also crucial in determining your bike speed.
Everyday cycling can be an ultimate big changer to your health and your life if done well. Go through the article and be informed on the right approach to absorb the fantastic benefits of cycling.
【Health Benefits of Cycling】
【Indoor Cycling Benefits】
【Cycling Lose Weight】