Core Training of Cycling 

Suppose you want to tone your abdominal muscles, build a chiseled torso, or strengthen your back and shoulders to gain more mobility in any movement. You will find that certain exercises are just too difficult to perform. For this reason, abdominal core training was invented to create a whole new activity area for the human body.

The basic idea behind core training is simple: having stronger muscles gives a person better control of their movements.

This article provides the best core exercises to assist with power training and tabulate the benefits of core training.

10 Best Core Exercises

These ten exercises might be life-challenging if you become consistent and disciplined with your workout goals.

1. High plank

Plank has been commonly known as one of the core exercises to work the abdominal muscles, shoulders, chest, and arms. High plank is a strengthening exercise involving holding your body straight from head to toe while supporting yourself on your hands and toes.

Here's how to do a high plank:
● Begin with your hands and knees. The wrists must be under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
● Step your feet back until your legs are fully extended and your body is straight from your head to your heels. Put your hands under your shoulders, with your fingers spread wide.
● Hold this position for 30 seconds or a minute without arching or sagging your back.
● Lower your knees to the ground to release the plank and return to the starting position.

Source: photo from online

2. Glute bridge

Beginners can start with this exercise, as it involves the whole body and requires a person's participation in the movement. The Glute bridge helps ton the butt muscles, hips, and core. It strengthens your core muscles (transverse abdominis and rectus abdominis) while improving balance with exercises done on one leg.

Here's how to do a glute bridge:
● Get into a comfortable position on the floor with your knees well bent and your feet flat. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Ensure your arms are by your sides with your palms facing down.
● Keep your upper body, shoulders, and head on the floor and hold the bridge position for 5-10 seconds.
● Lower the hips back down to the floor to complete one repetition.

To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can try these variations:
1.Single-leg glute bridge: Perform the glute bridge as described above, but with one leg lifted off the ground, keeping it straight and parallel to the ground.
2.Weighted glute bridge: Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell on your hips as you perform the glute bridge.
3.Banded glute bridge: Place a resistance band around your thighs just above your knees and perform the glute bridge described above. The band will add extra resistance and help to activate your glute muscles even more.

Remember to focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise. Maintain firm feet and avoid arching your back or letting your knees collapse inward. The glute bridge is a great addition to any core workout routine and can help to strengthen your glutes, improve your posture, and reduce the risk of injury.

Source: photo from online

3. Crunch

The crunch is a classic core exercise that targets the rectus abdominal muscle, known as the "six-pack" muscle.

Here's how to do a crunch:
● While on the floor, bend your knees and flatten your feet. They should be hip-width apart, and your hands should be placed lightly behind your head, with your elbows pointing to the sides.
● Lift the shoulders and upper back off the floor. Your head and neck should follow, but avoid pulling on your neck with your hands.
● Hold the crunch position, then lower yourself to the starting position with control.

To do more with the exercise, you can try these variations:
1.Bicycle crunches: Perform a regular crunch, but as you awaken your upper body, twist your torso and point your right elbow towards your left knee, then alternate to bring your left elbow towards your right knee. It will engage your oblique muscles as well as your rectus abdominis.
2.Reverse crunches: Be on your back with your limbs lifted and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Utilize your lower abs to lift your hips off the floor and towards your chest, then lower back down with control.
 3.Swiss ball crunches: Sit on a Swiss ball with your feet flat and your hands behind your head. Lean back slightly and use your abs to lift your shoulders off the ball, then lower back down with control.

Remember to breathe evenly throughout the exercise, and avoid straining your neck or pulling on your head with your hands. The crunch is a great exercise to include in your core workout routine and can help to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles.

Source: photo from online

4. Ankle Touches

Ankle touches are a core exercise that targets the oblique muscles on the abdomen sides.

● Be on the floor with your legs bent and your feet flat. Your feet should be hip-width apart, and your arms should be extended to the sides.
● Lift your shoulders off the floor. Your head and neck should follow, but avoid pulling on your neck with your hands.
● Keeping your shoulders off the ground, twist the torso to the right and get your left hand towards your left ankle or shin. Try to touch your ankle or shin with your fingertips, then return to the starting position with control.
● Repeat the movement on the other side by twisting your torso to the left and reaching your right hand towards your right ankle or shin. Return to the starting position with control. Alternate between right and left twists for 10-15 repetitions, or as many as you can perform with good form.

An example of the variations: Russian twists:
Sit on the ground with bent knees and feet flat on the floor. You can lean back and lift your feet off the ground to balance on your sit bones. Move your torso to the right and touch your hands to the ground next to your right hip, then twist to the left and touch your hands to the ground next to your left hip.

Source: photo from online

5. V-ups

V-ups are a core exercise for advanced athletes that targets the transverse abdominis muscle and hip flexors.

Here's how to do V-ups:
● With your back on the floor, straighten your legs and extend your arms overhead.
● Raise your arms, legs, and torso off the ground and reach toward your feet.
● Your legs should be straight and closer as you lift them towards your hands, bringing your body into a V-shape. Try to touch your toes or shins with your hands. Your arms and legs need to be straight and lifted.
● Hold the V-up position briefly, then slowly lower your arms, legs, and torso to the initial position.

Source: photo from online

6. Supine toe tap

The ancient Pilates exercise is a core exercise that exalts minimum pressure on your body's spine.

The exercise is a beginner exercise that targets the lower abs and hip flexors:
● Be on the floor with the legs extended straight towards the ceiling, perpendicular to the ground. Place your hands on the ground next to your hips.
● Move your right leg lower towards the ground, tapping your heel on the floor. Keep your left leg stationary and your lower back pressed into the ground.
● Continue tapping your right and left heels on the ground several times.

Source: photo from online

7. Bird dog

The bird dog exercise is a beginner-level core exercise that targets your lower back and core muscles.

● Start with the hands and knees on the ground, the wrists under your shoulders, and your knees under your hips. Keep your spine neutral, with your neck in line with your spine.
● Straighten and extend your right arm before you while stretching your left leg straight behind you, keeping your toes pointed towards the ground.
● Be in the position for a while, then slowly bring your right arm and left leg back to the starting position.
● Repeat the movement with the opposite limbs and keep your toes pointed towards the ground.

Source: photo from online

8. Mountain climber

It is a dynamic core exercise that targets your abs, shoulders, and legs.

● Begin in a high plank pose with the forearms on the ground shoulder-width apart, and your arms extended straight. Your body needs to be straight from head to heels, with your core muscles engaged and your hips level.
● Brace your core and lift your right foot off the ground. Bring your right knee towards the chest as far as possible while keeping your left leg straight back.
● Be in the position for a while, then slowly bring your right arm and left leg back to the starting position.
● Quickly switch your legs, jumping or sliding your right leg back to the starting position while bringing your left knee towards your chest. Keep your upper body steady and your hips level throughout the movement.

Source: photo from online

9. Leg raises

Leg raises are a beginner-friendly core exercise that primarily targets your lower abs.

Here's how to do it:
● While the back is flat on the floor, extend your legs straight and your arms placed by your sides.
● Raise your legs off the ground, keeping them straight and together.
● Continue lifting your legs until they are at a 90-degree angle with your body or until you feel a stretch in your lower abs.
● Return your legs down to the starting position.

Source: photo from online

10. Dead bug

The core exercise is great for strengthening your core, including your abs, lower back, and hip flexors.

● While on the ground, extend your hands straight up towards the ceiling and your legs lifted in a tabletop position, with the knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
● Get your right arm and left leg towards the ground, keeping them straight and hovering above the ground.
● Return to the initial position and redo the movement with the left arm and right leg.

Source: photo from online

6 Benefits of core exercises

These core exercises have numerous benefits, including:

1)Improved Posture
Core exercises help to strengthen the muscles in your midsection, which can improve your posture by keeping your spine properly aligned and reducing the risk of developing a slouched posture.

2)Reduced Back Pain
A strong core can help support your lower back and reduce the risk of developing back pain, a common problem for many people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have weak core muscles.

3)Better Balance and Stability:
The exercises above can boost your balance and stability by strengthening your core, essential for maintaining good balance and stability.

4)Enhanced Athletic Performance
Many athletic activities require a strong core for optimal performance. When you strengthen your core muscles, you can improve your performance in sports and other physical activities.

5)Increased Flexibility
Core exercises can increase your flexibility by improving the range of motion in the hip regions and lower back, which can benefit activities such as yoga or other exercise requiring flexibility.

6)Better Breathing
Core exercises can also improve your breathing by strengthening the respiration muscles, leading to improved lung function and increased endurance during physical activity.


1.What is the best core exercise for beginners?
The best core exercise for beginners is the plank exercise. It is a simple yet effective exercise that helps to strengthen the muscles in the abs, lower back, and hips.

2.How often should I do core training exercises?
Performing core training exercises 2-3 times a week is recommended. However, you need to listen to your body and not overdo it. It is important as overtraining can lead to muscle fatigue and injury.

3.Can core training help reduce belly fat?
While core training can help to strengthen and tone the muscles in your midsection, it is not a direct way to reduce belly fat. Combining regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and lifestyle changes is the most effective way to reduce belly fat.


Core training is a great activity to include in your regular workout routine and can help improve your posture, balance, stability, and overall strength. We hope our list of core training exercises has given you some ideas for which exercises are best. Remember to always consult a doctor before beginning any new exercise routine.


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